
BJYXSZD 10-31 17
三亚旅游攻略带字作文英语,三亚旅游攻略带字作文英语怎么写摘要: 大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于三亚旅游攻略带字作文英语的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍三亚旅游攻略带字作文英语的解答,让我们一起看看吧。海南三亚,英文介绍...


  1. 海南三亚,英文介绍?
  2. 海南三亚,英文介绍?
  3. 夏天的海南英语作文?


SanYa, a seaside tropical city, locates in the Hainan Province. It's well known for it's beautiful coast, soft sand and hot girls who wear very little. The city is quite a resource of touri***. Every year thousands of millions of people from all over China and even all over the world come here to enjoy the beauty of SANYA. H***e you ever been there? If not, please pay attention if you are wondering where to go for your long-anticipating holiday. Sanya will give you quite a nice surprise there.


SanYa, a seaside tropical city, locates in the Hainan Province. It's well known for it's beautiful coast, soft sand and hot girls who wear very little. The city is quite a resource of touri***. Every year thousands of millions of people from all over China and even all over the world come here to enjoy the beauty of SANYA. H***e you ever been there? If not, please pay attention if you are wondering where to go for your long-anticipating holiday. Sanya will give you quite a nice surprise there.



  I went to Hainan for my summer holday this year. I went there by air and visited many interesting places, like the Wuzhishan Mountains, the Wanquanhe River and Sanya.

  was amazed at the beautifrl sceneries of Nature. I went scuba diving in the sea and saw coral reafs and lots of fish!

  I learned horseriding and fell off the horse. I hurt my left leg but not seriously.


  I had a very good time there.



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