First of all, let us talk about the beautiful beaches of Hainan. Hainan has many famous beaches, such as Sanya's Yalong Bay and Haikou's Holiday Beach. These beaches are wonderful for viewing the blue sky, white clouds and clear water. We can enjoy sunshine, sand and w***es on these beaches, full of nature's grace.
Next, let's talk about the exciting tropical rain forests in Hainan. Hainan is home to a variety of forests, including the famous Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve. Inside these remarkable forests, we can experience a diverse range of plants and animals, including some rare species. This is a wonderful world full of life and vitality, making the tropical rain forests an unforgettable experience.
My hometown Hainan is a beautiful place. Itis in the south of our country. Itis the second largest island in China.我的故乡海南是一个美丽的地方,它位于祖国的南方,是中国第二大岛。
ltis famous for its wonderful sights, especially the blue seaand the white beaches.The weather here is neither too hotnor too cold all the year round.
On the island you can go sightseeing, fishing, swimming or scuba diving. You can also enjoy the fruithere, for example, coconuts, mangos etc
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